Get to know HEXA

HEXA is a friendly, six-legged robot. Inspired by nature to thrive in the real world. Agile, smart, and compact enough to fit in your backpack.

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Get HEXA. Get Robotic

Meet HEXA, a multi-functional all-terrain robot. It is easy to control with your mobile devices - it can walk and climb, take photos and videos, beef up security, and dance to a beat! You can connect HEXA anywhere with its WiFi. Plus, with HEXA you can create the applications you’ve been dreaming of. Besides the hardware parts, HEXA comes with an OS, open-source SDK, and 3D simulator. Play, learn, and be creative with HEXA, it is more than just a robot.

HEXA Featured Collection


MIND KIT is an easy-to-use programmable modular robotics kit. It provides you with all the hardware, software, and accessories you need to build your robots.

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MIND KIT contains a dozen of different modules such as computer boards, LiDAR, sensors, microphones, servomotors, and tank treads. It's easy for customization and bringing you a seamless plug and play experience.

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Whether you're makers, developers, robotics enthusiasts, STEAM students, or even first-time students of robotics, MIND KIT is the ideal tool to help you to learn robotics and build your robots.

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Let’s Build More Robots.

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MIND KIT Special Bundles
